OCEAN® rainwear and workwear is certified protective clothing
according to European standards.
OCEAN® rainwear and workwear is certified protective clothing
according to European standards.
EN 343 certified rainwear and workwear protects against water ingress. Clothing with EN 343 certification is designed to provide the wearer with waterproof and breathable protection to keep them dry and protected in wet weather.
This standard is important for those who have a physically demanding job and are exposed to rain, snow or steam.
EN 20471 certified rainwear and workwear provides high visibility for the user. Clothing with EN 20471 certification features fluorescent colors and reflective stripes designed to make the wearer more visible during daylight, dusk and at night.
This standard is important for those working on or near roads, railways or other places where there is a risk of collisions.
EN 1186 is a certification standard that measures the suitability of materials and products for food contact. Clothing with EN 1186 certification has been tested to ensure that it does not release harmful substances or chemicals that could contaminate food during handling, processing or storage.
This standard is important in industries such as food processing, catering and hospitality where the user may come into contact with food or food packaging materials.
EN 11612 certified rainwear and workwear protects against heat and flame exposure by preventing ignition and reducing the risk of injury.
This standard is important for industries where the user may be exposed to
to fire or heat risks, such as welding, firefighting or industrial manufacturing.
EN 14116 certified rainwear and workwear provides limited protection against heat and flame exposure by resisting the spread of fire and self-extinguishing once the ignition source is removed.
This standard is important for industries where the wearer may be exposed to flaming fires, such as the oil and gas industry or power utilities.
IEC 61482-2 certified rainwear and workwear protects against the thermal hazards of an arc flash. Clothing with IEC 61482-2 certification has been tested to determine its ability to protect the user from the thermal effects of an arc flash, including the heat generated, the pressure wave and the electric shock.
This standard is important in industries such as power supply, construction and maintenance where there is a risk of arc flash exposure.
EN 14605 certified rainwear and workwear provides protection against liquid chemicals. Clothing with
EN 14605 certification is tested
for resistance to penetration by liquid chemicals, including acids, alkalis and solvents, and must provide a barrier that prevents these substances from coming into contact with the user's skin.
This standard is important in industries such as chemical processing, pharmaceuticals and waste management, where the user may be exposed to hazardous liquids.
EN 13034 certified rainwear and workwear provides protection against liquid chemicals. Clothing with
EN 13034 certification is tested for resistance to low-level liquid chemical ingress, including light sprays and splashes of chemicals.
This standard is important in industries such as petrochemical, oil and gas and chemical processing where the wearer may be exposed to low-level chemical hazards.
EN 1149-5 certified rainwear and workwear protects against the risk of electrostatic discharge (ESD). Clothing with EN 1149-5 certification is designed to prevent or limit the build-up of static electricity on the wearer, reducing the risk of spark discharges that can ignite flammable substances or cause explosions in hazardous work environments.
This standard is important in industries such as petrochemical, gas and mining industries where there is a high risk of explosions due to static electricity.
EN 11611 certified rainwear and workwear protects against welding-related hazards. Clothing with EN 11611 certification has been tested for resistance to small splashes of molten metal, radiant heat and other welding-related hazards.
This standard is important in industries such as welding, metal fabrication and construction where the wearer may be exposed to these types of hazards.
EN 13035-certificeret arbejdsbeklædning beskytter mod lavrisiko eksponering for flydende kemikalier. Certificeringen sikrer, at tøjet yder en barriere mod lettere kemikaliesprøjt og snavs, hvilket gør det velegnet til mindre krævende arbejdsforhold.
Denne standard er vigtig for industrier som let produktion, rengøringsvirksomheder og vedligeholdelsesarbejde.
EN 14610-certificeret arbejdstøj er udviklet til at beskytte brugeren mod stærkere kemikalier og højrisikoeksponering. Certificeringen sikrer en robust beskyttelse i miljøer med større sundhedsrisici.
Denne standard er vigtig for industrier som olie- og gasindustrien, kemisk produktion og elforsyningsvirksomheder.
EN 14608-certificeret arbejdstøj er designet til at beskytte brugeren mod små mængder kemikaliesprøjt og væskespild. Certificeringen sikrer pålidelig modstandsdygtighed i miljøer med risiko for mindre spild.
Denne standard er vigtig for industrier som olie- og gasproduktion, rengøringsindustrien og specifikke produktionsanlæg.
EN 14607-certificeret arbejdstøj sikrer effektiv beskyttelse mod kontakt med væskeformige kemikalier. Certificeringen fokuserer på at forhindre, at skadelige kemikalier trænger igennem tøjets barriere og dermed beskytter brugeren.
Denne standard er vigtig for industrier som farmaceutisk produktion, laboratorier og specialiseret rengøring.
EN 14606-certificeret arbejdstøj beskytter mod flydende kemikaliesprøjt og mindre eksponeringer. Certificeringen garanterer, at tøjet yder modstandsdygtighed mod utilsigtet kontakt med kemikalier, hvilket er afgørende for arbejdsmiljøer med øget risiko for stænk.
Denne standard er vigtig for industrier som kemikaliehåndtering, affaldsbehandling og industriel rengøring.